Wednesday, October 20, 2021
LATE STAGE FAD. Officially released. You can listen here. Two years of hard work finally coming to a close. Funnelling energies from 2019 & 2020 into an album was a very emotional experience. Hope some people out there find inspiration, catharsis, or whatever else can be found in it.
Love, hugs, and fuzzy spiders -mm
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Haven't had any time to journal since August, been slinging balloons at my new job. Been putting the finishing touches on my second full length album under DEAD MALL. Probably releasing in late October. Honestly fucking tired of thinking about it and just need to push it out into the universe before it's too late. I definitely over-thought a lot of elements on this album, but I also stretched my comfort zone a lot. Equally risky and liberating. I dunno. I hope at least some tracks will resonate with people. Shit's been weird. It's been hard to test my vocals without being able to play them live in front of an audience. That affected my album for sure, so that's a thing and it annoys me. Can't wait to book some lil gigs again in the future..??? K bye bye :) -mm
Thursday, August 19, 2021
"The Planet Doesn't Mind"
by New Musik (1982)
kewl band alert...
Sunday, August 8, 2021
"Spirits In The Material World"
by The Police (1981)
Totally forgot about this song. Used to blast this in my car a long time ago. Relevant lyrics.
Saturday, August 7, 2021
Birthday was mellow. Got a haircut. Accidentally looks like early Pat Benatar and I'm very ok with it. So today's song is a live take of Heartbreaker. Definitely an inspiration for me as a musician/performer.
Thursday, July 15, 2021
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
"Port Isabel" by Led er Est (2009)
Today's sky is an electric blanket of clouds. Finally. Been having trouble sleeping. TOO MUCH SUN. -mm
Thursday, July 1, 2021
"Reptile" by The Church
This song makes me think of a coffee shop that used to exist in my hometown where all the weirdos hung out late at night. -mm
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Been working on the new album a lot lately, hence less journaling. Wrote two new songs this month. One of which is about finding new inspiration after a dormant period & the frustrations of artist block. The song is called Dungeon.
Lyrics as follows...
~ D U N G E O N ~
Here she lies, unsure
with wider thoughts
painful and pure
in a room
a room
frost melting off
lost, but hanging on
beyond this room, i know
beyond the frost and snow
a sacred place can be found
where minds are sprouting ground
near the window
sliver of the sun
is coming through
coming through
idle for way too long
lost, but hanging on
what more can i do?
near the window
sliver of the sun
is coming through
coming through
AH YES, there’s that place i know
all my strength has made it so
peeling back the stone
i am free from all my own
nightmares i’ve lived, i know
dark is needed to see the glow
my mind is sprouting ground
warmth shining all around
don’t mind the dungeon door
the window is always yours
to come through
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
"Martyr" - Oppenheimer Analysis
Today, it's hot and sticky and this song is stuck in my head. I played it a lot last year, October 2020. Makes me think of Halloween time, escaping into my costume designs as a way of coping with the utter chaos of 2020.
Friday, May 21, 2021
Please accept this gift of live radio recordings from New York City circa 1980-1984. Post-disco dance mixes by the legendary Shep Pettibone. -mm
This treble-heavy video is a little painful, but still posting it.
Yes, baby.
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
"True Love"
by Ric Ocasek
Always been a big fan of The Cars. Though I do love Ben Orr's singing better in the earlier years, Ric Ocasek is a monster songwriter. He put out some solo stuff in the late 80s that I just discovered. Really digging the album "This Side Of Paradise" from 1986. So today's song is "True Love"... probably my favorite track from the album, but other notable faves are Keep On Laughin' & Hello Darkness.
K bye. -mm
Friday, April 30, 2021
"This City"
by John Foxx
The album Metamatic is fucking amazing. Here's lyrics:
All the kisses taste of dust here
And it's too late to change my mind
I'm still in love with the
private world
Sometimes I've got to pull the blinds
Why aren't you dissolving yet?
And why's that car always there?
I got a letter from America
Somebody else lost in the glare
In this city, this city, oh!
This city, this city, oh!
I'm walking through this big arena
I'm passing millions, missing some
When someone touches me
like it's all alright
I think it's memory,
but it's still so right
There were always dreams of leaving
My face gets dimmer every day
When I can see myself I'm waving
I'm drawing back into the crowds again...
In this city, this city, oh!
This city, this city, oh!
Thursday, April 22, 2021
"Screaming In The Night"
by Krokus
Here's some tasty 80s butt rock with nice chords. :) -mm
Monday, April 12, 2021
Shit's been rough. Looking out into the world and all the garbage going on... It's overwhelming. In hopes of finding at least a few minutes of joy today: Here's a throwback to my teen years. -mm
"It Feels So Good" by Sonique
**Here's a great article I just found too.
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Getting a lot done, yet the list keeps growing...almost thicker and longer like an unwanted hair.
Errands, errands, errands errands.
Here's a sick song by Telex.
Friday, April 2, 2021
"Sands of Time" by Fleetwood Mac
From the 1971 album entitled Future Games, an earlier line up of the band, this song is written by guitarist Daniel Kirwan. All of the guitar parts are excellent.. beautiful melodic plucks and chords, and then a somber echoing slide guitar that sends you into a trance of deep contemplation. I want to include the lyrics on this one too. Absolutely haunting. Enjoy. -mm
The magic of
a blackened night
Can go so far
but not seem right
Although my love
will drive away the sunshine
The magic of
a blackened night
And before you go show me
All the words of love
And the falling sands of time
Blow my wind and drifted by
To and fro the trees still bend
Wondering what the host will send
We will go right down to the sea
Bathing in light
we will be free to wander
And the falling sands of time
Blow my wind and drifted by
To and fro the trees still bend
Wondering what the host will send
We will go right down to the sea
Bathing in light
we will be free to wander
And the falling sands of time
Blow my wind and drifted by
To and fro the trees still bend
Wondering what the host will send
We will go right down to the sea
Bathing in light
we will be free to wander
The magic of
a blackened night
Can go so far
but not seem right
Although my love
will drive away the sunshine
The magic of
a blackened night
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Apartment obtained. Personal belongings secured in storage. Everything is panning out pretty smoothly. We should be moved in and ready to exist here within the next few days. I've been listening to this song on repeat for days, and while driving all the way up the coast. I love how as the song unfolds and builds, it explores complex minor chords that feel dark and uncertain, but then the bassline eventually resolves on a major chord. Like in life, situations are unsettling, difficult, but as the story unfolds, you find moments of peace.
"Solar Flare" by Linea Aspera
Monday, March 22, 2021
Taking a pause to recalibrate my living sensors. Brb. -mm
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
"Pit Stop" by Naked Eyes
From their 1983 debut album Burning Bridges. The band was considered more of a two-hit wonder with "Promises, Promises" and "Always Something There To Remind Me," but there are many other bangers on this album that I personally think are even better songs than their hit singles. Apparently, the band never toured to promote this album because they found it so hard to re-create the sonic brilliance of the studio recordings in a live setting - Bummer! Quite possibly why they weren't as big as they could/should have been. This album has a such a classic new wave feel, but holds a unique mood of it's own. A mixture of darkness & depth, yet somehow upbeat. It's sort of a "things aren't going well, but I'll be okay." Like one door shutting, and another door opening. A sense of hopefulness, resilience. Tasteful synth decisions, clear and heavy hitting melodic pop songwriting. This album is a total gem and I encourage anyone who digs today's track to check out the entire album. Other fave tracks:
"I Could Show You How"
"A Very Hard Act To Follow"
Enjoy! :) -mm
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Been sitting on these new songs for so long that I can't decide which direction to take them anymore. Song structure can heavily depend on the lyrics and the timbres I wanna use. Mellotron sounds keep appearing. Then pipe organ. Then back to cliche synthwave sounds :/ I love some of those cutting 80s synth sounds, but it's overdone. I wanna evolve from that and make weirder shit. Trumpet? Lol. Kinda just want to completely start over. When you sit around with a song for too long, the urgency leaves, the quick decision making melts down into infinite possibility and then you go in circles and drive yourself insane :) -mm
Friday, March 12, 2021
"Somebody Else's Dream"
by Phil Lynott (1982)
I'm a fangirl for Phil Lynott. Leader of the immortal heavy rock band of Ireland, Thin Lizzy, Phil was an incredible songwriter, lyricist, producer, and iconic vocalist. Even as Thin Lizzy was continuing their success into the '80s, Phil started putting out solo albums. I recently discovered this track, which was never released on an album and only appears as the B-side of the single "Together". ("Together" has been in my heavy rotation for the past year - another great track.) Phil was flirting with more electronic sounds of new wave/new romantic/synthpop in these solo releases, sort of shedding the bad-boy image for glimpse at his softer side. Phil's heart and soul were always poured into his songwriting and lyrics. Phil would succumb to drug addiction complications in 1986 at the age of 36, a few years after this song was released.
Thursday, March 11, 2021
"The Picture" by German synthpop trio Hubert Kah. Discovered this track while watching Once Bitten (1985) starring Jim Carrey. Heard it in the background of the ice cream truck kissing scene and had to find out what it was. The driving arp bass and FM synth bells are excellent. Sad dark synthpop gem. This song haunts. -mm
Monday, March 8, 2021
"Standing In The Rain" by Don Ray.
From the 1978 album Garden of Love, produced with the legendary Cerrone. I love the tight and aggressive production. Another great Cerrone production:"Give Me Love". Anyway, in today's track, the synth solo at 2 min. is absolutely sublime. Gives me chills every time. ~magnifique~ -mm
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Did a huge donation run yesterday. Half of my stuff is now gone. Hopefully someone else can find use and joy from it. Harder to let go of stuff as I get older. Driving up the coast, we need to go as lightly as possible. Shedding layers as we approach the exit. Things I clung to for sentimental reasons only become limitations. I still have everything that is important to me. Besides basic needs like clothing and food... I kept my art stuff, music stuff, and roller skates. That's all I need. -mm
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Wine drunk and playing Dr. Mario on SNES. Bye. -mm
P.S. yeah
Monday, March 1, 2021
Three more weeks. To find closure. To say goodbyes. To be at peace with what I've experienced (good and bad) over the past ten years here in this particular space on planet earth. California is beautiful, and I've worked very hard here for many years. I'm gonna deeply miss the smell of redwoods mixing with the salty sea fog. I'm thankful for the numerous lessons I've learned, people I've met, places I've been, and will look back on it fondly - even if it all came to a screeching hault too soon. Things don't always go as planned.
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Death lives inside life, as bones dance within the body.
Yesterday is within today.
Yesterday never dies.
-Luis Alberto Urrea
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Update: The journal stuff has now moved to its own page (here) rather than bogarting the home page. :)
* * *
I miss singing my heart out in my bedroom. Can't wait to have a space to do that again. Trying hard to focus on the good things ahead. Sometimes it feels like I'm not even allowed to feel anything other than despair, because it's been so long without something positive on the horizon. I keep wrestling with that. Trying to let myself feel joy. -mm
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Considering moving the journal stuff to it's own separate page. Hrmmmm... I know I'm going to just end up posting songs to express my feelings rather than words. Seems like I've always been better at expressing myself that way. :> We're moving to Washington in a month. Equal parts happy and sad. Doors opening and closing. I've never let myself stay stagnant for too long. Glad to have something to look forward to.. experiencing new stuff in a new place is always ~good for the soul~. -mm
Monday, February 15, 2021
Revamped the website colors again... and will absolutely change stuff several times more. It's therapeutic. Been listening to this song a lot lately... -mm
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Been using these "ambient" youtube vids as a way to keep calm & focused. Super nerdy but they work. :) HERE is one with forest rain sounds that I love. There are also a few more faves on my link page HERE. Enjoy -mm
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
The name dot pitch comes from an old screen name I had back in the late 1990s. The definition of dot pitch can be found HERE! It's a metaphor I guess... for the space between the stuff... something like that. -mm
Monday, February 8, 2021
Added links to my music and art pages today. Most of it is from the past. Working on new ideas...I have a handful of new songs. Themes of loss, consumerism, and the oscillating definition of luxury. -mm
Friday, February 5, 2021
Still fiddling with colors and trying to remember how html works. It's been about 15 years lol. Quite refreshing to be able to type words into this new and empty space. Blank canvas. Trying to find peace. This feels like a hopeful path for that. -mm
Thursday, February 4, 2021
Decided to create a website today. A place where I can throw my thoughts, feelings, and art into an internet abyss without swimming through sponsored ads and bots. Not sure what to do next, but more to come. -mm
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